Urban Architecture

Nuevos Edificios Parque Olímpico

We were hired by Constructora Sudamericana to carry out the engineering, manufacturing, transportation and assembly of the resistant structure of the Hotel-School, Office and Science buildings applied to sport within the framework of the New Buildings of the Olympic Park.

Viaducto Belgrano Sur - Estación Sáenz

We were appointed by the construction company RIVA S.A. to carry out the manufacture and assembly of metal structures.

We carried out the assembly of the expansion of the Metrobus Norte-Cabildo.

It consists of approximately 120 tons and maintains the challenge of a purely architectural work. We redouble our efforts in the processes to overcome what was previously done.

Fabrication and assembly of the metallic structure for A3 and A4 panels (multipurpose mini stages) that form part of the Olympic Villa that is being built in the Roca Park building, for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. The client is Criba Ingeniería SA and the final customer is the City of Buenos Aires.

Vencemos o projeto do Centro de Transferência Abrangente de La Matanza, um Metrobus que não só ligará o distrito de La Matanza à cidade de Buenos Aires, mas também inclui a construção de 2 estações complementares.


At present we are working in the manufacturing of metallic structures for bus stops for the firm “Metrobus 9 de Julio”, run by Riva S.A. which was hired by Ciudad de Bs. As. Government. It weighs over seven hundred tons.